A male pochard swimming in a pond

A duck diving into the water

A common pochard hibernating at Sansaigaike Pond

A common pochard bathing

A common pochard bathing

A duck floating on the lake

A pochard splashing in the water

A common pochard bathing

Common Pochard

A male Common Pochard resting its wings

Swimming Pochard Female 4

Swimming Duck Female

Swimming Pochard Female 3

Swimming Pochard Female 2

A female pochard flapping its wings in a pond

A female pochard swimming in a pond

A female pochard swimming in a pond

A duck swimming in a pond - Copy space

A female pochard flapping its wings in a pond

A female pochard swimming in a pond

A female pochard flapping its wings in a pond

A female pochard swimming in a pond

A female pochard swimming in a pond

A female pochard flapping its wings in a pond

A female pochard flapping its wings in a pond

A female pochard swimming in a pond

A male pochard swimming in a pond

A female pochard at the water's edge

A female pochard at the water's edge

A female pochard at the water's edge

A female pochard at the water's edge

A female pochard at the water's edge

A female pochard swimming in a pond

A male pochard swimming in a pond

A male pochard flapping its wings in a pond

A male pochard flapping its wings in a pond

A male pochard flapping its wings in a pond

A female pochard at the water's edge

A female pochard at the water's edge

A female pochard at the water's edge

A female pochard at the water's edge

A female pochard at the water's edge

A female pochard at the water's edge

A male pochard swimming in a pond

A female pochard at the water's edge

A pochard swimming in the Okawa River in winter

Swimming Pochard

Common pochard front

Swimming Pochard 2

Nishikigoi chasing a pochard

A duck swimming in the water under a blue sky

A duck swimming on the river surface

Estuary waterfowl

Common Pochard

Seagulls and pochards on the breakwater

A duck floating on the water

A duck floating on the water

2 birds

4 birds

9 birds

A male pochard swimming in the Seto Inland Sea

Male pochard, close-up

A male pochard swimming in a pond

Male pochard at the water's edge

A female pochard flapping her wings

A female pochard swimming in a pond

A male pochard swimming in a pond

A male pochard flapping its wings

A female pochard flapping her wings

A male pochard flapping its wings

Male pochard at the water's edge

A female pochard flapping her wings

A female pochard flapping her wings

A male pochard swimming in a pond

A female pochard flapping her wings

A male pochard swimming in a pond

A duck floating on the Okawa River in winter

A duck floating on the Okawa River in winter

Red eye power

A duck floating on the water

A pochard resting while floating on the Okawa River in winter

A pochard swimming in the Okawa River in winter

A pochard resting in the Okawa River in winter

A duck resting in the Okawa River in winter

A common pochard and a tufted duck swimming in the Okawa River

Common Pochard

Common Pochard

Glaring with red eyes

Harlequin Duck and Tufted Duck

Harlequin Duck and Tufted Duck

Harlequin Duck and Tufted Duck

A pochard swimming on the water surface

A duck frolicking on the water

A duck swimming in a pond

A duck swimming in a pond

A duck taking flight

A duck taking flight

A duck taking flight

A duck taking flight

A duck swimming in a pond
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