Swallowtail butterfly perching on red spider lily

Crow Swallowtail ♂ water absorption scene

Swallowtail butterfly perching on a pine tree

Swallowtail butterfly resting on a white quince 2

leopard butterfly with open wings

Larvae of swallowtail eating lemon leaves

Larvae of swallowtail eating lemon leaves

Crow Swallowtail ♂ water absorption scene

Flowers and butterflies

Butterflies perching on leaves

swallowtail butterfly

fallen leaves and swallowtail

Larvae of swallowtail eating lemon leaves

fallen leaves and swallowtail

Swallowtail butterfly sucking nectar

Swallowtail butterfly

swallowtail butterfly

swallowtail butterfly

swallowtail butterfly

Nami swallowtail and thistle_Kobe City Suma Rikyu Park 5

Swallowtail butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly resting on a white quince 1

Higodai flower and swallowtail

Chestnut tiger flying in the blue sky

Lantana flowers and bluebottle

flowers and butterflies

A swallowtail butterfly resting on a flower on a tree

It is a summer feature swallowtail butterfly.

Bud of Zion and Swallowtail Butterfly

Papilio machaon in courtship flight

Papilio machaon courting

Large tree nymph

Swallowtail butterfly flying around the sunflower field

Swallowtail butterfly and flower

Flying swallowtail butterfly

Nami swallowtail and blue sky

Cluster amaryllis and swallowtail butterfly

Pests-hornworm 1

Swallowtail butterfly sucking cosmos nectar

Butterflies and flowers

Swallowtail butterfly sucking cosmos nectar

blue sky and swallowtail

Pests-Extermination 3

Swallowtail and Portulaca flowers

Swallowtail butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly on a beautiful spring day

Large tree nymph sucking hibiscus nectar

Basic swallowtail butterfly swallowtail

Yellow Cosmos and Swallowtail Butterfly

Papilio machaon flying over the loosestrife

Swallowtail butterfly on yellow cosmos

A swallowtail butterfly resting on a red spider lily

Red spider lily and swallowtail butterfly

Flight of cluster amaryllis and swallowtail

Spider Lily and Butterfly

Lythrum and Papilio machaon

Flight of the swallowtail swallowtail to the amaryllidaceae

Papilio machaon on blue sky background

Swallowtail butterfly

A swallowtail butterfly sucking nectar from a flower

Amaryllis and swallowtail

Nami swallowtail and red spider lily in the blue sky

Flight of swallowtail on blue sky background

Wild cherry tree in Kasuga Park

Swallowtail butterfly sucking nectar

Swallowtail butterfly sucking nectar

Spider Lily and Butterfly

Wild cherry tree and swallowtail butterfly in Kasuga Park

Spider Lily and Butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly

Spider Lily and Butterfly

Swallowtail and Cosmos

Swallowtail butterfly sucking cosmos nectar

Swallowtail butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly perching on thistle

Swallowtail butterfly egg

Cluster amaryllis and swallowtail butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly

Caterpillar stuck to celery

Black swallowtail ♂

Swallowtail butterfly and butterflies

Swallowtail butterfly and lavender

Japan's largest butterfly Papilio helenus

A swallowtail butterfly takes flight

Swallowtail Butterfly Swallowtail Male 3

Swallowtail Butterfly Swallowtail Male 2

Swallowtail butterfly and lavender

Swallowtail butterfly and lavender

Swallowtail butterfly and lavender

Swallowtail butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly sucking nectar from cluster amaryllis

Papilio machaon before emergence and release

Swallowtail egg

Swallowtail butterfly

Emerged Swallowtail Butterfly_Nami Swallowtail_12

Swallowtail butterfly


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