Courier image

A person with a tense and stiff expression Origami

Image of courier and logistics

Courier and image of logistics


Police car and policeman

To be crushed by tension

Monotone chess

The plane landing scene: Tension and coolness

Intense Japanese and Korean flags

Cling on 3

Persistent image

Wooden car truck and car



Image of logistics Carrier car Truck

Cliff 2


People crushed by time

Piano Competition


Piano recital



Red light emergency light emergency

Intense Japanese flag

Image of robbery


Improve work efficiency by visualizing tasks

A woman in a suit doing a fist pose with a smile

A convoy of fire engines arriving at the disaster drill site

Own team

Chess march


Call button

Chess own team


Chess stuffing

Home delivery

Examples of dark patterns

Emergency brake button installed inside express bus

phone box

A convoy of firefighting vehicles participating in disaster drills

Cat (Neurau)

Route bus emergency brake button

A photo of the abandoned ruins. Half-destroyed house.

chess 6

cat and goldfish

Emergency button at railroad crossing



A masked police car with a sense of urgency

Midnight fire truck

Image of rising prices and low tension

chess 5

Rescue boat

feeling nervous and frightened

Unwell woman, toilet, ambulance

"Wall of fallen leaves" flowing through an irrigation channel_02

"Wall of fallen leaves" flowing through an irrigation channel_03

"Wall of fallen leaves" flowing through an irrigation channel_01

chess 4

chess 1

chess 2

chess 3

A salaryman who hides and makes a phone call

A middle-aged man hiding behind a computer and making a phone call

Office worker making a private phone call during work

A man making a phone call while doing a secret pose

phone box


Visualize and streamline your work with a todo list

Teal panics due to sudden strong wind

manage tasks what to do today

phone box

Image of clenched fist and anger placed on the table

Natural wave

Nantai Mountain Climbing

Nantai Mountain Climbing

Nantai Mountain Climbing

devil's hand

emergency bell



Clinging 2

Cling to one

Cliff 1

To take a life

To accept it
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