Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Water cherry blossom

Cherry blossoms

Young leaves and buds of Uwamizuzakura

Young leaves and buds of Uwamizuzakura

Okamezakura blooming in a private garden

Okamezakura cherry blossoms in full bloom under the blue sky

Okamezakura blooming in a private garden

<Chiba Prefecture> Shirako Sakura (Shirako Town)

<Chiba Prefecture> Shirako Sakura (Shirako Town)

<Chiba Prefecture> Shirako Sakura (Shirako Town)

<Chiba Prefecture> Shirako Sakura (Shirako Town)

Cherry Tree

Cherry blossoms and blue sky

Cherry Blossoms

Beautiful cherry blossom petals fallen to the ground

Grayish pink Japanese paper background Light pink Pale pink

Grayish cherry blossom Japanese paper background Dull light pink

Roman stone style background milky pink

Looking up at Komadome cherry blossoms

Black Omuroyama and early-bloom cherry blossoms

Grayish pink fabric background Pale pink Light red

Black Omuroyama and early-bloom cherry blossoms

Roman stone style background, gray cherry blossom, pale pink

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

Nirvana cherry blossoms at Zentsuji Temple in mid-March

White Magnolia and Weeping Cherry Blossoms on the Nicchu Line

Weeping cherry blossoms on the Nicchu Line 01

Weeping cherry blossoms on the Nicchu Line 03

Akemi Sakura in front of the main hall of Senbon Shakado in Kyoto

Senbon Shakado main hall and Akemi Sakura in Kyoto

Akemi Sakura at Senbon Shakado in Kyoto

Daihoonji Temple (Senbon Shakado) Main Hall and Akemi Sakura

The Okame statue at Senbon Shakado in Kyoto

Kyoto Daiho'onji Temple (Senbon Shakado) main hall and Akemi Sakura

300-year-old Mizume Cherry Tree of Ushidai

Black Omuroyama and early-bloom cherry blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

North Building Cherry Blossoms

Black Omuroyama and early-bloom cherry blossoms

great tern

Nara no Yaezakura

Nara no Yaezakura

Nara no Yaezakura

cherry blossoms on snow

cherry blossoms on snow

Kobo cherry blossoms

Kobo cherry blossoms

Kobo cherry blossoms

Kobo cherry blossoms

Kobo cherry blossoms

Kobo cherry blossoms

Kobo cherry blossoms

Ukawa Ancient Cherry Blossoms

Ukawa ancient cherry blossoms and rape blossoms

Ukawa ancient cherry blossoms and rape blossoms

Ushio Shiomoto's Edohigan

Ushio Shiomoto's Edohigan
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