Swallowtail butterfly and silk tree

Swallowtail butterfly and agapanthus

Monkey swallowtail

Swallowtail butterfly and zinnia

Monkey swallowtail butterfly at Mount Takao and Hikagesawa

Red spider lily village

Red spider lily village

Swallowtail butterfly Papilio helenus sucking honey

Pink flowers and swallowtail butterfly

Spider lilies and swallowtail butterfly

Spider lilies and swallowtail butterfly

Spider lilies and swallowtail butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly and spider lily

Spider lilies and swallowtail butterflies

Spider lilies and swallowtail butterfly

Spider lilies and swallowtail butterfly

Spider lilies and swallowtail butterfly

Spider lilies and swallowtail butterfly

Thistle and swallowtail butterfly

A swallowtail butterfly resting on an autumn spider lily

Swallowtail butterfly drinking water

A swallowtail butterfly resting on an Abelia flower

Monkey swallowtail and lantana

Monk swallowtail (butterfly) on cluster amaryllis

Papilio helenus (at Takao)

Monkey swallowtail

Monkey swallowtail

Monkey swallowtail

Monkey swallowtail

Monkey swallowtail

Monkey swallowtail

Swallowtail butterfly and spider lily

Papilio helenus flapping 2

Swallowtail larva

A swallowtail butterfly resting on an Abelia flower

A swallowtail butterfly resting on an Abelia flower

A swallowtail butterfly resting on a thistle flower in early summer

Swallowtail butterfly and thistle flower

Papilio helenus flapping

Swallowtail butterfly and Deutzia hortensis ⑧

Swallowtail butterfly and Weigela hortensis④

Swallowtail butterfly and Weigela⑤

Swallowtail butterfly and Weigela③

Swallowtail butterfly and Weigela ②

Swallowtail butterfly and Weigela hortensis⑦

Swallowtail butterfly and Weigela⑥

Swallowtail butterfly and Weigela①

Swallowtail butterfly and Deutzia hortensis ⑨

Monkey swallowtail (butterfly)

Red spider lily (Higanbana) and swallowtail butterfly (butterfly)

Higanbana (cluster amaryllis) after the rain and Papilio helenus (butterfly)

Red spider lily (Higanbana) and swallowtail butterfly (butterfly)

Monkey swallowtail and red spider lily

Papilio machaon spring type sucking nectar from azaleas

Papilio machaon spring type sucking nectar from azaleas

Water absorption of Papilio machaon

Monkey swallowtail and red spider lily

Monkey swallowtail♂

Monkey swallowtail and red spider lily

Red spider lily (Higanbana) and swallowtail butterfly (butterfly)

Higanbana (cluster amaryllis) after the rain and Papilio helenus (butterfly)

Papilio machaon (butterfly)

Papilio machaon perched on Satsuki

Monkey swallowtail

Monkey swallowtail

Papilio helenus

Cluster amaryllis (cluster amaryllis) and Papilio helenus (butterfly)

Papilio helenus in water absorption

Monkey swallowtail and red spider lily

Monkey swallowtail

Always Together / A Pair of Swallowtail Butterflies 2

Red spider lilies and swallowtail butterflies

Always Together / A Pair of Swallowtail Butterflies 1

good bye

Roselle and swallowtail butterfly

Flying cluster amaryllis and Monk swallowtail③

Flight of Hanatranoo and Swallowtail Butterfly

Flying cluster amaryllis and Monk swallowtail①

Flight of cluster amaryllis and Monk swallowtail②

Roselle and swallowtail butterfly

Japan's largest butterfly Papilio helenus

Azaleas in Makinohara/Akiba Park

Swallowtail butterflies sucking nectar from a stork ④

Swallowtail butterflies sucking nectar from a cactus ②

Roselle and swallowtail butterfly

Papilio machaon on cluster amaryllis

Nectar sucking of Hanatranoo and Swallowtail ①

Monk swallowtail sucking nectar

Nectar sucking of Hanatranoo and Swallowtail butterfly②

Swallowtail butterflies sucking nectar from a cactus ①

Swallowtail butterflies sucking nectar from a stork ③

Azaleas in Makinohara/Akiba Park

Azaleas in Makinohara/Akiba Park

Swallowtail butterfly and red spider lily (Papilio papilla) vertical

Autumn red spider lily and swallowtail butterfly (Papilio vulgare)

Autumn red spider lily and swallowtail butterfly (Papilio vulgare)

Monkey swallowtail sucking nectar from red spider lily

Swallowtail butterfly and autumn red spider lily (Swallowtail butterfly)

Autumn red cluster amaryllis and swallowtail butterfly (Papilio vulgaris)
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