A smartphone with a cracked LCD screen after being dropped on the road

A person watching SNS on a subway station platform

A smartphone with a cracked LCD screen after being dropped

A smartphone with a cracked LCD screen after being dropped

A smartphone with a cracked LCD screen after being dropped

Smartphone with cracked LCD screen and repair tools

A woman playing with her smartphone after taking a bath

A woman playing with her smartphone after taking a bath

A woman playing with her smartphone after taking a bath

Woman with ingredients and smartphone

Woman with ingredients and smartphone

Woman with ingredients and smartphone

Woman with ingredients and smartphone

A young male student living in a dormitory

Social media on a black table

Woman with ingredients and smartphone

Insert SIM card into smartphone

A person looking at SNS on a street corner in Ginza

Insert SIM card into smartphone

Insert SIM card into smartphone

Insert the SIM card into the smartphone (up)

mobile navigation car navigation

Business work morning

mobile navigation car navigation

A person looking at SNS on a street corner in Ginza

Using a smartphone at elementary school (composite)

Listen to music with wireless earphones and smartphone

SNS in Shinjuku/Kabukicho

Using a smartphone at elementary school (composite)

Listen to music with wireless earphones and smartphone

Listen to music with wireless earphones and smartphone

Listen to music with wireless earphones and smartphone

A person looking at SNS on a smartphone in the spectator seats at a baseball stadium

Person watching SNS by the pool

Person watching SNS by the pool

Smartphones in Shinjuku/Kabukicho

Call in Shinjuku/Kabukicho

Smartphone inside a bookstore (composite)

Reading a novel on a smartphone app at a bookstore (synthetic)

Reading a novel on a smartphone app at a bookstore (synthetic)

Dad activity in Shinjuku/Kabukicho

woman with smartphone

woman with smartphone

A person talking on a smartphone in the spectator seats at a baseball stadium

Chat AI on smartphone

Call on your smartphone at the shot bar counter

Call on your smartphone at the shot bar counter

Chat AI on smartphone

Woman's hand charging for smartphone service

Woman's hand charging for smartphone service

Listen to music on your smartphone with headphones

Rhythm game at a hamburger shop

Reading the news on a smartphone on a black table

Listen to music on your smartphone with earphones

Listen to music with wireless earphones and smartphone

Make a phone call on the platform of a subway station

Listen to music on your smartphone with earphones

Listen to music on your smartphone with earphones

Listen to music with wireless earphones and smartphone

Make a phone call on the platform of a subway station

woman with money and smartphone

Reading the news on a smartphone on a black table

A young male student living in a dormitory

People who use SNS at shopping malls

people talking on the phone in a shopping mall

People who use SNS at shopping malls

A person looking at SNS on a smartphone in the spectator seats at a baseball stadium

Watch videos on subway station platforms

reading the news at a table in an open cafe

SNS at the open cafe table

Listen to music on your smartphone on the train

Watch anime on the platform of a subway station

SNS at the open cafe table

Smartphone QR code payment at the baseball stadium

Smartphone mobile order at cafe

Smartphone mobile order at cafe

Listening to music on your smartphone on the subway platform

Check SNS on your smartphone at the cafe

Check SNS on your smartphone at the cafe

Watch video at hamburger shop

Watching videos at an open cafe table

Check news on SNS between work

Underwater photography (smart)

Watch anime at a hamburger shop

SNS at the open cafe table

coffee break

Checking SNS on the street corner at night

Check SNS on the street corner at night

A person who uses SNS on a smartphone at a shot bar

A person who uses SNS on a smartphone at a shot bar

coffee break 02

A person who uses SNS on a smartphone at a shot bar

coffee break 03

A person who uses SNS on a smartphone at a shot bar

A person who uses SNS on a smartphone at a shot bar

A person who uses SNS on a smartphone at a shot bar

A person who uses SNS on a smartphone at a shot bar

Order a bento with a smartphone delivery app

Check SNS on the station platform

Tea, dining table and chairs
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