

Funny Face

Dachshund playing in a dog run

Dachshund with a gentle face

miniature dachshund


Yorkshire Terrier

A twilight dog at the ruins of Yamanaka Castle

Dachshund sitting on a white bench

miniature dachshund

autumn leaves and dachshund

Dachshund dog on the bench

Dachshund dog who likes ironing boards

italian greyhound

toy poodle




black mix dog

welsh corgi

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier

walking in fallen leaves

Take a walk with your dog in the autumn leaves

italian greyhound

Yorkshire Terrier

Dachshund playing with agility

Dachshund playing in a dog run

Dachshund playing in a dog run

Yorkshire Terrier

Dachshund and owner walking and people

good friend dachshund 2

Dachshund walking in fresh snow


Nap time together

Miniature dachshund playing in the grass on the beach


Staring miniature dachshund

I'm tired...


Tulips and dogs

Dachshund and tortoise

Miniature Dax

Dachshund Puppies (Mixed Miniature Dachshund and Toy Poodle)

Dog to be shampooed

Recommended dog

Recommended soup

spinning top

in the forest

Summer walk

Summer outings

17 year old walk

In a dream

big yawning dog

Kanin Hendax

Take it if you can

Dog relaxing and sleeping with treasure

Creature dog dog riding in a hammock

Creature dog dog riding in a hammock

Creature dog A dog taking a nap in a hammock

miniature dachshund puppy paws

A pampered dog

Miniature dachshund

dog peeking out of pet cart

dog peeking out of pet cart

Tired miniature dachshund puppy

Bullring in Dax

Bullring in Dax

Miniature dachshund playing in the grass on the beach

Bullring in Dax

Miniature dachshund staring straight ahead


A dog walking on a rock with a serious face

A dog walking on a rock with a serious face

A dog walking on a rock with a serious face

A dog walking on a rock with a serious face

A dog sitting on a chair, staring at you with its round eyes

A dog sitting on a chair, staring at you with its round eyes

A dog sitting on a chair, staring at you with its round eyes

A dog sitting on a chair, staring at you with its round eyes

A dog walking on a rock with a serious face

running dog 2



Basking in the sun with four good friends

Good sleep goods for miniature dachshund

let's be friends



I'll groom you♪

Relaxing miniature dachshund

staring dog


running dog 1

Everyone lined up and basked in the sun


Dog and Skytree (distant view)

Dog and summer sky

Laughing dog
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