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Shidami Kofun Group Shidami Kofun
Shidami Kofun Group Shidami Kofun
Shidami Kofun Group Shidami Kofun Group Shidami
Shidami Tumulus
Shidanmi Tumulus
Shiratorizuka Tumulus
Shidami Kofun Park
Shidami Kofun Museum
Shidanmi Otsuka Kofun Kofun
Shidanmi Otsuka Tumulus Haniwa
Shidanmi Otsuka Tumulus Haniwa
Shidanmi Otsuka Tumulus Haniwa
Shidanmi Otsuka Tumulus Haniwa
Shidanmi Otsuka Tumulus Haniwa
Shidanmi Otsuka Tumulus Haniwa
Shidanmi Kofun Group Nagoya
Stairs leading to the ancient tomb
Shidanmi Tumulus Group Shiratorizuka Tumulus
Shidanmi Kofun Group Nagoya
Shidanmi Kofun Group Nagoya
Shidanmi Kofun Group Nagoya
Shidanmi Kofun Group Nagoya
Shidanmi Kofun Group Nagoya
Shidanmi Kofun Group Nagoya
Shidanmi Kofun Group Nagoya
Shidanmi Kofun Group Nagoya
Shiratorizuka burial mound
Shidanmi Kofun Group Nagoya
Shidanmi Kofun Group Nagoya
Promenade leading to the ancient tomb
Shidanmi Kofun Group Nagoya
Flowers blooming in the ancient tomb
Otsuka Tomb No. 3 Shidanmi Tumulus Group
Otsuka Tomb No. 2 Shidanmi Tumulus Group
park at the end of summer
stones and blue sky
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