
Government Building and Central Park of Huehuetenango

Central Park of Huehuetenango

Cathedral of Huehuetenango

Tortilla stall

Tamales and Tortillas

Leaves to wrap tamales in

Coffee pot 01

Offerings of flower petals and pine needles

Coffee beans coffee image background 6

Flower petals for offering

coffee beans in canister

South American cityscape

View of Antigua from the Hill of Crosses

View of Antigua from the Hill of Crosses

View of Antigua from the Hill of Crosses

View of Antigua from the Hill of Crosses

View of Antigua from the Hill of Crosses

Coffee beans coffee image background 3

Coffee beans copy space background image 7

Coffee Beans Guatemala SHB

Cathedral of Todos Santos

Tortilla stall

guatemala city cathedral

Guatemala City National Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum

guatemala city cathedral

guatemala guatemala city church

guatemala city cathedral

chicken bus

chicken bus

Cathedral of Todos Santos

Guatemalan bean paste doughnuts

guatemala guatemala city national palace

Guatemala City Christmas Tree

Guatemala City relief building

guatemala city cathedral interior

Guatemala City National Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum

guatemala guatemala city slums

Guatemala City Defense Agency building

guatemala city cathedral christ

guatemala city cathedral

Guatemala City National Museum of Modern Art

guatemala city cathedral altar

guatemala guatemala city building

Corn under the eaves

Taco stand

Tortilla from a street stall

guatemala guatemala city church

guatemala city cathedral

guatemala city cathedral

guatemala city cathedral altar

Guatemala City relief building


guatemala guatemala city national palace

Roads in Guatemala

Guatemala City National Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum

guatemala guatemala city national palace

guatemala guatemala city grave

guatemala guatemala city national palace


Todos Santos Cathedral and Village Hall

One road in Todos Santos

guatemala city cathedral interior

Corn field

View from the corn field

Traffic lights in huehuetenango

Chapel of the Galvario

Lake Atitlan at sunset

View of Lake Atitlan from a boat

Mount San Pedro seen from Lake Atitlan

Lake Atitlan seen from a boat

View of the city of Santiago Atitlan from the lake

Pier on Lake Atitlan in the morning

Lakeside villages from Lake Atitlan

View of the city of Santiago Atitlan from the lake

Pier on Lake Atitlan in the morning

Pier on Lake Atitlan in the morning

Mount San Pedro seen from Lake Atitlan

Morning view of Atitlan

City of Santiago Atitlan

Guatemalan Breakfast

View of the city of Santiago Atitlan from the lake

View of Lake Atitlan from the restaurant

View of the city of Santiago Atitlan from the lake

Lake Atitlan at sunset


View from Temple V

A coffee plantation in Guatemala. Coffee tree and banana tree

Coffee beans in a wooden plate (before roasting)

Lake Atitlan in the morning

Lake Atitlan in the morning

Lake Atitlan and boats in the morning

Lake Atitlan in the morning

Lake Atitlan in the morning

Lake Atitlan in the morning

Lake Atitlan and boats in the morning

Cruise ship pier, Guatemala

Coffee beans (bird's eye view)

Coffee pot 07

Coffee pot 08
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