Stop sign pedestrian crossing sign

Voie noir et blanc

4 men and women crossing the pedestrian crossing

Men and women crossing the pedestrian crossing

Men and women crossing the pedestrian crossing

Two women crossing the pedestrian crossing

4 men and women crossing the pedestrian crossing

4 men and women crossing the pedestrian crossing

Men and women crossing the pedestrian crossing

4 men and women crossing the pedestrian crossing

Men and women crossing the pedestrian crossing

Two men crossing the pedestrian crossing

Two women crossing the pedestrian crossing

4 men and women crossing the pedestrian crossing

Men and women crossing the pedestrian crossing

Two women crossing the pedestrian crossing

High traffic volume roads

Crowded city lines of the city

Grappes de Ginkgo 2

Go out with a wheelchair 6

Go out with a wheelchair 5

Go out with a wheelchair 16

Go out with a wheelchair 15

Go out with a wheelchair 12

Woman wearing a mask and sunglasses 6

Go out with a wheelchair 14

Senior holding hands 2

Go out with a wheelchair 7

Woman walking with mask and sunglasses 1

Tokyo station front

Go out with a wheelchair 2

traffic jam

Une femme étrangère portant un chapeau 4

Go out with a wheelchair 13

People across the signal

Une femme étrangère portant un chapeau 5

Une femme étrangère portant un chapeau 3


Cross point 02

Commuting scenery

High traffic volume roads

Cross point 01

A salaried man behind you

Silhouette of the person walking at the scrambled intersection

International street

Sekiyabashi Scramble intersection

Sukiyabashi intersection 1

Shibuya scramble intersection walkers 5

Tokyo Station

Cityscape in the center of Hiroshima city


Trolleybus in Hawaii

Crosswalks blue

Cross point 03

Musashi Kosugi Station

Small unattended station 2


Scramble crossing

Sweet sake yokocho

Parents and children crossing a pedestrian crossing (holding hands)

Shibuya scramble intersection




Au milieu de la nuit

Inamuragasaki's crosswalk and the sea

Workshop distance

Shibuya scramble intersection walkers 2


Crosswalk and bus

Shadow of the office town

Station / Taxi

Residential area at night

Crosswalk 1

Shibuya scramble intersection walkers 7

Aligned feet

Shibuya scramble intersection walkers 1


Men walking in Shibuya scramble

Pedestrian traffic light blue

Tokyo's sky



Osaka Ekimae Intersection


Okinawa prefectural government agency front

Walking smartphone

Crosswalk on a rainy day # 1

Okayama's Tram

Ville de minuit


Shibuya scramble intersection 1

Petit sanctuaire d'or d'origine à l'intérieur de la maison

Beyond the signal

Negishi Yanagi Street

Small unattended station 3

Minatomirai Pedestrian Bridge and Municipal Bus

Shibuya scramble intersection walkers 6


Shinjuku city
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