Aogashima, from the middle of Oyama

For Aogashima Heliport

Aogashima flying ship

Aogashima heliport

Sambo Port in Aogashima

Port of Aogashima

Cat of Aogashima

Aogashima's geothermal kettle, which belongs to the Izu Islands, a remote island in Tokyo

Aogashima Forest, which belongs to the Izu Islands, a remote island in Tokyo

Caldera seen from the large convex part of Aogashima

Caldera seen from the large convex part of Aogashima

Hingya geothermal kiln in Aogashima

Aogashima's geothermal kettle, which belongs to the Izu Islands, a remote island in Tokyo

Aogashima's geothermal kettle, which belongs to the Izu Islands, a remote island in Tokyo

Aogashima's geothermal kettle, which belongs to the Izu Islands, a remote island in Tokyo

Road to Odebu Park in Aogashima

Pacific Ocean seen from Aogashima

Aogashima's roads and greenery

Sambo Port in Aogashima

Hiking road in the inner rim of Aogashima

An object at Oyama Observatory Park in Aogashima

Aogashima's water collection point

Aogashima’s somma

Aogashima sky with various blues

Aogashima in winter at dusk


Ikenosawa 4

Tokai Shrine 1

View of Ikenosawa from Osato Shrine

Ikenosawa 5

Tokai Shrine 2

Osato Shrine 2

Ikenosawa 1

Aogashima village (Okabe district) outlook

Todaisho Shrine

Aogashima Sanpo Port at dusk

Aogashima scenery

Calm day sea in Aogashima

Calm day sea in Aogashima

Aogashima's Fureai Sauna

Osato Shrine 3

Konpira Shrine

Giant wading covered in snow

Hachijojima seen from Aogashimaru

Angelica soup

Ikenosawa 6

Osato Shrine 1

Aogashima cat

Mr. Fuji

Susuki of Aogashima

Sambo Port Left

Take a picture of the old bank from the new bank of Sanpo Port, Aogashima

Susuki of Aogashima

Hattengu-sama 2

Hingya (fumarole group) 2

Starry sky from Mikonoura Observation Square

Giant watari

Returning Monument

Hingya (fumarole group) 1

Hattengu-sama 1

Otaniwatari of Aogashima

Tokai Shrine 4

Goraiko 2

Goraiko 1

Aogashima Forest

Ruins of the village headman's residence 2

Osato Shrine 4

Osato Shrine 5

Inside Ikenosawa

Ruins of the village headman's residence 3

Nanban Kibushi

Osato Shrine13

Maruyama Promenade

Osato Shrine 9

Osato Shrine 6

Tokai Shrine 3

Osato Shrine 8

Osato Shrine 7


Shrine 1

Ruins of a village headman's residence 1

Osato Shrine10

Worship place 2 of the ruins of the village headman's residence

Osato Shrine11

Osato Shrine 8

Osato Shrine12

Konpira Shrine stone field 3

Goraiko 3

Konpira Shrine stone field

Konpira Shrine stone field 2

Jizo-sama 2

Jizo-sama 1

Jizo-sama 3

Clear blue sky and blue sea

Clear blue sky and blue sea

Clear blue sky and blue sea

Scenery of Aogashima

Scenery of Aogashima

Kuroshio Maru

Sambo Port
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