Nanahoshi Ladybug

Préparation du plat de viande 21

Plats de viande 4

Plats à la viande 5

Plat à la viande 3

Plats de viande 1

Plats de viande 2

Colorful vegetables

Préparation du plat de viande 100

Préparation des plats de viande 98

roquefort cheese and cherry tomatoes

Roquefort cheese with cherry tomatoes and arugula on a wooden plate

Close-up of Roquefort cheese with cherry tomatoes and arugula on a wooden plate

Colorful petit tomatoes

Salad bowl


Colorful dining table

Lots of petit tomatoes and basil

Galette for two

A delicious looking galette

Spring tea time



Colorful tomatoes

Roast chicken at home this year

A nutritious morning salad

Fresh cherry tomatoes and herbs oregano rosemary

Bruschetta of tomato

Spring tea time

Pickles 2

Caprese (Capri-style salad) lined up on a white plate

Pickles 1

Chicken ham 217

Dried Tomato 1


Petit tomato and basil white background

Basil and petit tomatoes

Petit tomatoes and fresh basil


Vegetables and herbs (harvested on my balcony)

Colorful tomatoes and burrata

Roast chicken

Chicken ham 218

Chicken with bone


Tea time with panda cake

Chicken with bone

Rose red

Marinated summer vegetables

Petit tomato and basil black background

Chicken ham 216

Colorful tomatoes and burrata

Salad bowl

Pesticide-free vegetables and herbs that are fun to harvest

Breakfast with fruit yogurt and spoon

Caprese and herbal salt on a white plate

Grilled chicken with herbs

Red petit tomatoes and rosemary served on a white plate

Grilled meat

Bush clover flower

Chicken ham 219

Dried tomatoes 2

Dried flower

Pickled cooking ingredients


Red and yellow petit tomatoes and cutlery in a white bowl

Mini-sized caprese lined up in wood trays

Caprese (Capri-style salad) lined up on a white plate

Chicken with bone


Dried pink rose flowers

Dried tomatoes pickled in oil


Wild strawberry flowers and fruits

Red and yellow petit tomatoes lined up on a white plate

Lavender field

Hot coffee and breakfast

Hibiscus background

Petit tomatoes on a wooden cutting board

Colorful tomatoes and burrata

Mini-sized caprese just served

Passion fruit flower


Grilled meat


Tuna carpaccio

2 plates of yogurt for breakfast and salad

Red and yellow petit tomatoes lined up on a white plate

Wild strawberry flower

Petit leaf perilla

Chicken with bone

Cooking pickles ingredients

Tropical image Hibiscus

Red and yellow petit tomatoes in a white bowl

Cherry tomato and basil flowers

tea time

Cute tea time

Cooking pickles ingredients

Basil and cherry tomatoes
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