Window crescent lock (closed)

Window crescent lock (unlocking)

Open windows during ventilation

Crescent lock on the sweep-out window (closed)

Window crescent lock (close)


Crescent lock up of window sash 30 years ago

Crescent lock on window sash 30 years ago


Open windows during ventilation

Wet office window

A sash with a shallow crescent lock

Window key

Window key


Window key

Wet office window

Entrance door lever 2

Frosted Glass

Frosted Glass

Crescent lock on the sweep-out window (closed)

Double sash and crescent lock

Interior key of indoor window

Crescent lock

Blinds seen through frosted glass

Window key

Crescent lock (unlocking) of the sweep-out window

Forgotten window lock

Man's hand checking the window key

Shadow of raindrops on the window glass reflected in the lace curtain

Crescent Lock

crescent tablets

Hand closing the crescent lock on the frosted glass window

crescent lock and frosted glass

Window lock

window crescent lock

view from the window

Light from aluminum sash window Crime prevention measures

Sliding window booklet key

window booklet key

Lock the window panes

View of the sky from the courtyard

rental studio

by the window of the living room

living room by the window

By the window of the living room

old sash with crescent lock

Sliding window front

Crescent moon at noon

Sliding window diagonal

Window booklet crescent key

Crescent tablets

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