Security guard doing a guts pose

Security guard putting his hand on his chin

Security guard making a stop gesture

Security guard to guide

Security guard using a smartphone on the bench

Security guard with a heart model

Security guard with guide lights

Security guard with first aid kit

Coffee break guards

Surprised guards

Security guard clinging to the net fence

Security guard calling on a smartphone

Security guard with a light

Security guard with a cross tag

Security guard to control traffic

Security guard over the net fence

Security guard using a mobile fan

Coffee break guards

Security guard drinking water in the park

Security guard using a mobile fan

Security guard with Marubatsu tag

Security guard pointing a finger

Coffee break guards

Security guard using a smartphone on the bench


Security guard to salute

Economic risk crash

Disaster prevention wireless

Male hand with warning mark smartphone-white background

Disaster prevention wireless 1

Smartphone dependence and tired eyes businessman

Disaster prevention wireless 2

Scratches of large-scale landslides

The danger of walking smartphones-white background

Scratches of large-scale landslides

Disaster recovery construction site


I am a wild man

Disaster prevention wireless

Shinagawa Station Building

Blue sky and clouds surprised mark

blue sky, white clouds and sun

Nuclear test missile development

Fire prevention lantern

Nuclear development · missile 2

Check typhoon information on your computer

North Korea and missile development 2


A black cat standing in a corner of the park

Snow removal is hard work

Call for evacuation

Call for evacuation 2

Call for evacuation 3

Warning of danger

Warning of danger

North Korea and missile development

Toho Shrine wall

Motion sensor at Toho Shrine

Toho Shrine wall

Caution sign and index finger

Points to note when investing in real estate

Caution mark

Caution mark

Nuclear development · missile 1

DANGER bright red mark

Sunflowers, glaring sun and blue sky

Pouring rain

Important Points

Sunflowers, glaring sun and blue sky

The Tama River riverbed after flooding due to a typhoon

The swollen Tama River after the typhoon passed

Railroad crossing


Rough seas

Rough seas

Rough seas

Rough seas

2017 Northern Kyushu Heavy Rainy Night Lightning

Disaster prevention speaker




Disaster prevention wireless


Disaster prevention wireless



A river which increased due to heavy rain

Shinbashi Station, Ginza Exit


Background of heat stroke / infectious disease preventive measures goods

Evacuation of the elderly

Hands holding up warning signs

Extreme heat summer

Call for evacuation 4

Call for evacuation 5

Background of UV / infectious disease prevention goods

Alert activation Warning alert

rainy season
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