Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after light snow

A gazebo at Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after light snow

Zama Yatoyama Park Waterfowl Pond after light snow

Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after light snow

Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after light snow

The square at Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after a light snowfall

Blue sky and Tanzawa mountains

Autumn leaves seen at Zama Yatoyama Park after light snow

Little Autumn

Beautiful purple flowers

Autumn leaves among greenery

Autumn leaves and an old-fashioned gate

Blue sky and silver grass

Autumn Pond

Autumn park

Antique Gate

Mallard and Spot-billed Duck

Mallard Trail

Bird competition

Jujubes at Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after light snow

Autumn leaves at Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after light snow

A gazebo at Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after light snow

Mallard flapping wings

Spot-billed duck dropping water droplets

Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after light snow

The pond at Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after a light snowfall

Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after light snow

Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after light snow

Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after light snow

The pond at Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park after a light snowfall

Observation box built in the forest

Dark forest

Grassland at Zama Yatoyama Park

Grassland at Zama Yatoyama Park

Zama Yatoyama Park

Zama Yatoyama Park

Stairs in Kanagawa Prefectural Zama Yatoyama Park





Nagayamon Gate at Zama Yatoyama Park

Forest Park

Forest and rice field

Forest School
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