Girl playing with a serious face

A man in scrubs takes a female patient to the bed in a wheelchair

A doctor in a white coat standing proudly

Parent and child playing the keyboard

Doctor talking to patient woman sitting on bed

man in scrubs looking at monitor

Doctor thinking seriously and female patient wearing tubes

A male patient working while watching a video

Male patient watching videos on a laptop

A man helps a woman move on the bed

A female doctor showing and explaining something to a male patient lying in bed

Back view of a doctor facing a female patient sitting on a bed

Profile of a doctor holding the hand of a female patient

Doctor explaining to a female patient who has a tube attached

Doctor explaining to female patient sitting on bed

Man in scrubs bringing medicine and female patient refusing

Female patient saying no to man in scrubs

Rear view of female patient sitting on bed and doctor sitting on chair

Doctor looking at monitor and female patient sleeping


Doctor sitting with female patient wearing tube and talking

Profile of a smiling female patient and doctor

Doctor and female patient gesturing and explaining

Rear view of a female patient and a doctor talking anxiously

Profile of a smiling female patient and doctor talking

Doctor looking at medical equipment monitor and patient in bed

Doctor explaining to female patient

Desktop cassette stove

Piano and violin

A female patient looking into the distance and a man measuring blood pressure


Acoustic guitar

Brass band image 11


Brass band image 10

Koto's performance




Rattles instruments

Singer-songwriter A

Fluorescent ceiling lighting for passages and stairs

Image of chemistry-DNA molecular model and beaker, test tube

Singer-songwriter B

High school girl musician playing the flute

Instrument 3

Horn in a case

Une aide et un homme 1


Flûte et notation musicale

Iron array

Live House 31

Equipement médical

Band / instrument 1

Barbell Training 2

Violin transverse position

Clarinet (background white)

Compteur de santé

Sing with your heart

Instrument de musique 2

Dispositif de diagnostic

Aides et hommes 7


Horn outdoors⑥

Horn outdoors ⑦


Violin vertical position 2

Wood, saw, hammer and nails

The back of the ethnic percussion instrument Cajon, glitter

Pipe organ of the Madeleine in Paris



Needle nose pliers

Needle nose pliers

Violin and bow

Needle nose pliers

Needle nose pliers

Needle nose pliers

A boy playing the piano


Flat bar

Flat bar






Screwdriver on a black background



Dental Tools

Dental Tools

Dental Tools

Synthesizer keyboard keys





Curly-haired woman playing the double bass
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