Image of ability

Image of ability

Block of building blocks of person icon

Combine well

Image of personnel exchange and placement


Colored pencils and letters of COLOR




For the first time

about us

Test character block






Conduct a self-analysis


How to do self-analysis when looking for a job or changing jobs

Various business abilities of individuals

Refine employee's ability / suitable job diagnosis

Diagnosis characters and balloons Personality diagnosis and health examination








Solving problems and deriving solutions

Solving problems like fitting puzzle pieces

Recruitment activities, auditions, talent discovery

Recruitment activity, recruitment, audition

MBTI Myers Briggs Type Indicator

ESFJ Consular Personality Type

INTJ Architect Personality Type

ENTP Debater Personality Type

INFJ Advocate Personality Type

ISTJ Manager Personality Type

ISTP Master Personality Type

ISFP Adventurer personality type

ISFJ Advocate Personality Type

ENFP Publicity Campaigner Personality Type

INTP Logician Personality Type

ESTJ Executive Personality Type

ESTP Entrepreneur Personality Type

ESFP Entertainer Personality Type

ENTJ Commander Personality Type

INFP Mediator Personality Type

ENFJ Protagonist Personality Type


Japanese OL 26 avec fichier

Ballon en forme de coeur

Cadeaux féminins pour donner des cadeaux 6

Christmas wreath frame 3

Nettoyage des produits de bain 64

Women holding back

La fête des mères 20

Boîte en chocolat bonbon boxé 5

Christmas room 2

Les élèves du primaire se réunissent autour de l'enseignant 5

Valentine's chocolate 4

Fête des pères 10

Étudiants du primaire et enseignant assis dans un coussin cube 21

Homme dans le siège du conducteur 32

Cravate pour fête des pères 1

Girl wearing a santa cap

Lots of gifts

Family reading a picture book on a sandy beach 10

Présent 16

Blindfolded child

Homme dans le siège du conducteur 22


Men reading a book 2

Combinaison masculine étrangère 126

Lots of gifts

A bride turning around with a bouquet

Silhouettes mâles et femelles trekking et le soleil du matin 3

A bride who turns around with a bouquet and takes a commemorative photo

Three generation family sitting on the sofa 16

Bride and groom standing in the wedding garden 7

Chats de l'île égéenne Ile de Santorin 2

A woman who turns around with a smartphone

Fête des mères 9

Woman waving on the stairs

Parents and children to evacuate

A woman with semi-long hair looking back

Woman hugging Christmas gifts

santa claus 4

Ballons à motif coeur 2

Enseignants à enseigner et aux élèves du primaire 11

Girl hugging dad

Girl with flying santa silhouette

Family 7 opening Christmas presents

indoor santa claus and child 3

A young woman wearing furisode with a furoshiki wrap

A young woman wearing furisode with a furoshiki wrap
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